Minggu, Juni 27, 2010

Alice Human Sacrifice

Wuahh ~
Akhirnya jadi juga gambar inspirasi dari Human Alice Sacrifice .
Ni aku liat di google trus ak gambar .
dan ternyata hasilnya seperti ini dan banyak yang suka di facebook dan deviantart .
Aku bersyukur kalau mereka suka .

Kamis, Juni 24, 2010

Fanart ~

23 Juni 2010 , Jakarta , Indonesia .

Ni Black Rock Shooter dari Vocaloid .
Rein ndiri lo yg gambar .
gmn ?
Comment ny y :P

Sabtu, April 10, 2010

Uu ~ !!

Ketua Grup Shougo Sakamoto di Facebook Rein bilang ginii ,

I see lots of photos Shougo which has spread in cyberspace. Most of these photos are exclusive photographs which could only be obtained directly from Shougo, through the album, which he uploaded via My Space.

I get the photos directly from Shougo. And I'm very disappointed, because after a few days each time I upload, the photos directly Shougo claimed by the group or other public figures on behalf Shougo Sakamoto. And I felt they were deliberately copying the photo from an album of Sakamoto Shougo (阪 本 奨 悟) group.

I have permission to Shougo, but I think the others did not. I do not want to disappoint shougo.

Thank you for your attention. Please notice the calculation is made for all of us fans Shougo.

Keep the spirit and cheerful so that we can always support Shougo.

Thanks also the new members who have joined. If anyone wants to ask about Shougo, do not hesitate to write it on the wall.

Jaa nee ~"

Uu ~ !!
Gag trima nihh . Ada orang lain yg ngta"in .
Aa ~ !! Pengen Rein pukul dehh orang nyaa !

Minggu, April 04, 2010

Sakamoto Shougo ~

5 April 2010 , Jakarta , Indonesia .

Shougo edited by Rein :))


xD ~
fans bgt am dy .
huahuahua ~
y tuhan ~ krn bgt x)

Prince of Tennis the Musical ( Tenimyu )

4 April 2010 , Jakarta , Indonesia .

Rein lagi suka sama Tenimyu nihh ~
Hehee ~
di Tenimyu yg k 5 am 6 ada Shougo nya .
ada yg bilang Shougo lebih bagus peran Ryoma dari pada yang kmrn" .
xP ~
Shougo .

Selasa, Maret 30, 2010

Masak-masakaan ~

25 Maret 2010 , Jakarta , Indonesia .

Hari ini temen-temen pada dateng kerumah . Padahal tidak kuajak dan pas sekali aku mau masak !!
Ini hasilnya ,...
  Hahaa , kelihatannya aneh , ya . Tapi memang begitulah kenyataannya . Tapi rasanya lumayan kok :))
 Yang telor isi nya ada sosisnya . Jadi enak . xD
Yaahh ,, terus udah selesai masakan am makan , dapur Louie berantakan smw (T_T) gpp sihh . gag ada yg ngomel ini (:P)
trs , mereka sampai jam 5 di rumah Louie cerita-cerita . Biasalah ngegosip gitu (xD).